Opening hours
We are open every day, 7 days a week, all year around!
May at 10.00-18.00 June-August at 9.30-18.00
September-April at 10.00-17.00
How to get to The Kon-Tiki Museum
On bicycle to the Kon-Tiki Museum :
Oslo Bysykkel is available 365 days a year.
It takes about 20 minutes to cycle from the National theater to the Kon-Tiki Museum.
By private car to The Kon-Tiki Museum:
Public parking in Bygdøynesveien 37 before Bygdøynes.
By public transport to The Kon-Tiki Museum:
Bus 30 from Jernbanetorget, City Hall and Solli Plass every 10 minutes. See Ruter for more information.
By ferry to The Kon-Tiki Museum:
Bygdøyfergene From Rådhuskaien 4 to Bygdøy from April to October, every 20 minutes. Stop no. 2 Bygdøynes, 200 meters from the Kon-Tiki Museum.
Do you have any questions?
Kon-Tiki Museet
Bygdøynesveien 36
0286 Oslo
Telephone: (47) 23 08 67 67